第二朝我地7點鐘已經通知佢來接我地,考慮到我地係約左朝早見,同埋可能太早,佢未訓醒,一直等到11點,我地先嘗試用wechat同phone call佢,但佢兩樣都無接。因為我地無買SIM 卡,打電話都係搵人幫手,之後就自己出左市區。
到左市區後,又收到佢話自己忙緊,晚上8點先有車入營。係尼刻我地更加覺得唔好去啦,佢自己有event唔可以早小小通知我地嘅,要去到約定時間先來同人講。當我地同佢講唔去果陣,佢話無義務接我地,同埋佢放假要訓晏啲。我地反駁 : 無錯,佢唔一定要接我地入去,但答應左早上接我地,為何可以講野唔算數。
P.S. : 以下是我地回覆HOST的留言。 Welcome Moni's comments and also thanks for her offer although it may not be a happy experience. We want to share the fact to have your (all hosts & helpers) comments on how to work on helpx as what we told Moni, Helpx is supposed to be a good platform to build friendship between hosts and helpers and we are cooperation relationship.
Mongolia is our first stop in the world trip because we love nature and the freedom of life culture. We are lucky to find Moni and got offer from her. We went to Mongolia through China, so we tried to provide our updated status for her arrangement reference. When we bought tickets to Mongolia in China, we have contacted Moni about the change and are happy for Moni's help. Unluckily, we arrived Mongolia late (it closes to 10pm) due to transport delay. We immediately contacted Moni to update our status and next day arrangement. On the next day morning, we tried many time to contact moni by wechat or phone call but still cannot reach her. We read many posts about irresponsible hosts and she has no response to all contact methods, even phone call. We had a serious discussion about next move on this worried situation, finally we decided to leave and move to Russia.
Moni thinks that we are impolite and not respectful to her but does she think about why we had that decision, under what situation we made this decision? Hosts have no responsibility to drive us to the workplace but should have responsibility to fulfill our agreement.